Aiming to conduct more efficient clinical research?
We focus on transparency.

Associate member

The SCTO is an independent organisation and is based on a joint initiative of the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences.

As of 2017, the SCTO is a research infrastructure of national importance funded by the State Secretariat of Education, Research and Innovation and the Swiss National Science Foundation.

PPI Mapping

Local and national PPI initiatives and projects in academic clinical research

The basis for this PPI mapping exercise is an online survey conducted by the SCTO and a multistakeholder working group consisting of representatives from patient organisations and academic clinical research. This project was carried out with the help and financial support of the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN), which is one of our partner organisations.

Our PPI mapping exercise revealed that numerous patient and public involvement (PPI) activities exist in academic clinical research in Switzerland. Individual initiatives and projects, including the type of involvement, are summarised below on this page.

The over 50 PPI initiatives and projects in the field of academic clinical research included in the mapping exercise are initiatives and projects that are governed by the Human Research Act (HRA) and its ordinances and that are funded by non-profit organisations (usually foundations) or receive public funding (e.g. university hospitals). The mapping data do not include PPI initiatives and projects that have a general focus on the healthcare system but no direct connection to clinical research. The following types of research, among others, are included:

  • randomised controlled clinical trials
  • research on personalised health
  • observational research in epidemiology
  • research with data and samples from humans
  • research on research
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The overview below provides a summary of the following information for each of the PPI initiatives and projects identified:

  • the role and scope of PPI (provide information, provide advice, contribute, lead)
  • at which stage PPI is included (before, during, after, or throughout the entire research project)
  • the status of the PPI activity (permanent, ongoing, completed).

This overview is neither complete nor comprehensive. It reflects the situation at the time of the mapping exercise and is regularly updated.


Are you involved in planning, conducting, evaluating, summarising, and/or disseminating the results of a research project or initiative? Or are you aware of another such PPI initiative or project? We would be happy to hear from you:

Overview of identified PPI initiatives and projects

Reset filters
  • Name
  • Advisory to COVID-19 Study Protocol

    University Hospital Basel

  • Advisory to Steering Committee Oncoplastic Breast Consortium (OPBC)-2 PREPEC

    University Hospital Basel

  • COVID-19 in People with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (COVID-PCD)

    The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)

  • Collaboration between patients, family members, and researchers: A co-designed mixed-methods evaluation of user engagement and partnership in health research.
  • Collaborations between patients, family members, and researchers. A co-designed mixed-methods evaluation of user engagement and partnership in health research

    Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care (IfIS), University of Zurich

    German-speaking Switzerland
  • Communicating the results of genomic research

    Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)

  • Creation of a questionnaire on the perception of informal coercion

    Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Department of Psychiatry

  • Creation of a self-stigma questionnaire (Paradox of Self-Stigma scale PaSS-24)

    Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Department of Psychiatry

  • DayOne Health Hack

    Basel Area Business & Innovation


  • Definition of upper airways exacerbations in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

    The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)

  • Drawing up recommendations for communicating the results of genomic analyses to research participants

    Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)

  • ECOS: Convergence space on knowledge about personalized health - A collaborative and participative research project

    SantéPerSo - Personalized Health & Society

    University of Lausanne (UNIL)

  • FICUS Trial - Supporting families during critical illness: A nurse-led family support intervention in intensive care

    University of Zurich

  • Giving patient representatives a seat on cantonal ethics committees

    Cantonal ethic committees

    St. Gallen
  • HEAR trial: Improving access to screening for hearing loss after childhood cancer – a novel community based approach

    The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)

  • ImmunAID (Immunome Project Consortium for Autoinflammatory Disorders)

    FMF & AID Global Association

    University of Geneva (UNIGE)

    Horizon2020 - European Commission

  • Involvement of persons with heart failure and their relatives in research on innovative nursing aftercare for persons suffering from heart failure

    HES-SO, Institute of Applied Health Research, School of Health Sciences Fribourg

  • Lausanne coproduction hub (Groupe lausannois de coproduction)

    Unisanté - Center for Primary Care and Public Health

  • MED-fLAG

    Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)

  • Meaningful Patient and Public Involvement in HIV research: A mapping review

    University Hospital Basel, Division of Clinical Epidemiology

    Swiss HIV Cohort Study

  • MultiSCRIPT - Treatment Optimisation in Multiple Sclerosis

    University Hospital Basel

  • Open research colloquium

    Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Department of Psychiatry

  • PASTA-trial

    Inselspital (Universitätsspital) Bern

  • PPI Framework

    University of Basel, Department of Clinical Research, Clinical Trial Unit

  • PPI Speed Dating event
  • PRESENT project

    Unisanté - Center for Primary Care and Public Health

  • Partenariat en recherche clinique - Group for the development and implementation of the clinical research partnership at HUG

    Geneva University Hospitals (HUG)

    University of Geneva (UNIGE)

  • Patient Advocacy


  • Patient Engagement in Research

    Rising Tide Foundation for Clinical Cancer Research

  • Patient Involvement in Dentistry

    Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry / Center of Dental Medicine / University of Zurich

  • Patient Lab

    IUFRS, FBM, UNIL, CHUV, Oncology Department CHUV

    UNIGE, HUG, Oncology Department HUG

  • Patient Preferences Regarding Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments

    University of Zurich, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute (EBPI)

  • Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) as part of the Investigator Initiated Clinical Trials (IICT) programme's evaluation process

    Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

  • Patient and Public Involvement Campus Stiftung Lindenhof Bern

    Campus SLB (Stiftung Lindenhof Bern)

  • Patient involvement in clinical research

    EOC - Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale

    IOSI - Instituto Oncologico della Svizzera Italiana

  • Pilot Study for peer-led self-management program for Swiss breast cancer survivors

    Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)

    University of Lausanne (UNIL)

  • Proactive Involvement of Patients and Public in Clinical Research at the USZ

    Clinical Trials Center (University Hospital Zurich)

  • Program for meaningful Patient and Public Involvement in Clinical Research

    Department of Clinical Research (DCR), University of Bern

  • Research priorities in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia - patient's persperctive

    The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)

  • RheumaCura Foundation

    RheumaCura Foundation

  • SAKK Patient Advisory Board

    Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK)

  • SALuBRITY PPI project

    University of Zurich, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute (EBPI)

    University Spine Center Zurich (UWZH), Balgrist University Hospital

    Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care (IfIS), University of Zurich

  • SCTO PPI Working Group

    Swiss Clinical Trial Organisation (SCTO)

  • SPHN & PHRT National Data Streams

    Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN)

    ETH Personalized Health and Related Technologies (PHRT)

  • SPHN (Swiss Personalized Health Network) ELSI (Ethical, Legal and Social Issues) Advisory Group (ELSlag)

    Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN)

  • SYNERGIES Projects

    Meeting for Minds

  • Set-up and roll-out of patient participation in SCQM research

    Swiss Clinical Quality Management in Rheumatic Diseases (SCQM) Foundation

  • Swiss Cerebral Palsy Registry (Swiss-CP-Reg)

    The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)

  • Swiss Pediatric Inflammatory Brain Disease Registry (Swiss-Ped-IBrainD)

    The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)

  • Swiss Rare Disease Registry

    The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)

  • Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (STCS) Patient Advisory Board

    University Hospital Basel

  • Swissmedic’s working group with patient and consumer organisations


  • The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study

    University of Bern

  • Timing of Revascularization in Patients With Diabetic Foot Ulcer and Non-critical Peripheral Artery Disease (DIFU)

    Inselspital (Universitätsspital) Bern

  • Together for research that moves us forward

    University Hospital Basel

  • Training in research partnerships

    Geneva University Hospitals (HUG)

  • Treatment of lymphedema after breast cancer therapy

    University Hospital Basel

  • No result found.
Advisory to COVID-19 Study Protocol
Official title of the study
Efficacy and safety of remdesivir in hospitalized patients with COVID-19: Systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis of randomized trials



University Hospital Basel




Role of PPI


Before the actual beginning of the research project

Review the design of the clinical study protocol, with a focus on primary endpoints

Status of PPI activities


Advisory to Steering Committee Oncoplastic Breast Consortium (OPBC)-2 PREPEC



University Hospital Basel



Role of PPI

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Review of protocol and informed consent, including amendments

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

Throughout the entire research project

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


COVID-19 in People with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (COVID-PCD)
Official title of the study
COVID-19 in People with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (COVID-PCD)


Brief description
COVID-PCD is an online participatory study initiated by people with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) who have an essential vote in all stages of the research from the design of the study to interpretation and communication of the study results. COVID-PCD aims to collect epidemiological data from people with PCD to describe incidence of COVID-19, symptoms, and course of disease and to answer research questions related to PCD such questions on lifestyle, healthcare and prognosis. COVID-PCD exists in five languages and includes more than 700 people with PCD from 48 countries.

The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)




Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

Advise on content of particpant-questionnaires
Translation of study material

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the information provided to study participants

Participate in internal meetings as a member

Recruitment of study participants
Provide ideas for research questions to cover in extra questionnaires

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Collaboration between patients, family members, and researchers: A co-designed mixed-methods evaluation of user engagement and partnership in health research.


Brief description

Implementation Science in Nursing Research Group, Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care, University of Zurich & Center of Clinical Nursing Sciences, University Hospital Zurich


Background: In Switzerland, involving patients, family members, and the public (users) in health research, which is also known as patient and public involvement (PPI), is becoming more common. However, evaluating how users and researchers collaborate within research studies itself has not yet received much attention. This project is part of the FICUS study (Family Support Intervention in Intensive Care Units), which investigates the ability of a family support program in intensive care units to increase quality of care, strengthen family coping with serious illness and trauma, and reduce negative impact on family members’ mental health.

Aim: The goal is to learn about the collaboration experience within the FICUS study. To achieve this, a mixed-methods evaluation will be co-designed and co-conducted to examine the impact and experience of the user-researcher collaboration from both their perspectives. In addition, the team aims to develop practical recommendations to aid user-researcher collaboration and PPI in future health research.

Methods: First, we will run a workshop with users and researchers to define indicators for both the process and the outcomes of research co-production, including how to measure them in PPI evaluations. These indicators will be assessed through surveys and interviews with users, study participants, researchers, clinicians, and other stakeholders involved in the FICUS study. A second workshop will then be held to jointly interpret the results and formulate recommendations. Finally, recommendations for user-research collaboration in complex health intervention research will be created.

Output: The insights from this project are essential to identify collaboration patterns to enhance the relevance and effectiveness of health research for patients and their families. Findings will be disseminated to the public and scientific community. Our evaluation will contribute to the science and practice of user engagement in research within the Swiss research landscape.

The project was developed and will be co-led by the members of the FICUS patient and family advisory board and researchers. It is supported by the Seed Grant 2023 of the Citizen Science Centre Zurich. The FICUS Trial is funded by the Swiss National Science Fund and supported by the Swiss Society for Intensive Care Medicine.



Status of PPI activities


Collaborations between patients, family members, and researchers. A co-designed mixed-methods evaluation of user engagement and partnership in health research


Brief description

In Switzerland, involving patients, family members, and the public (users) in health research, which is also known as patient and public involvement (PPI), is becoming more common. However, evaluating how users and researchers collaborate within research studies itself has not yet received much attention. This project is part of the FICUS study (Family Support Intervention in Intensive Care Units), which is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, and investigates the ability of a family support program in intensive care units to increase quality of care, strengthen family coping with serious illness and trauma, and reduce negative impact on family members’ mental health.

The goal is to learn about the collaboration experience within the FICUS study. To achieve this, a mixed-methods evaluation will be co-designed and co-conducted to examine the impact and experience of the user-researcher collaboration from both their perspectives. In addition, the team aims to develop practical recommendations to aid user-researcher collaboration and PPI in future health research.

Funder of this project is the "Citizen Science Zurich Seed Grant 2023"


Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care (IfIS), University of Zurich


German-speaking Switzerland

Role of PPI

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Take over or lead specific parts of an initiative or a project

Co-Design of the research project and the application.
Collaboration in data collection and data analysis as well as study report.

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Provide input on the study design.

During the course of the research project

Co-project management and collaboration in the project team incl. data collection and evaluation.

After the completion of the research project

Contribution to the evaluation of the study and the communication of the research results to the study participants and the general public.
Collaboration in the publication of the research results.
Development of recommendations for the collaboration between patients, family members, and researchers.

Throughout the entire research project

Co-project management.
Project member.
Collaboration in the communication of research results.

Status of PPI activities


Communicating the results of genomic research


Brief description
Understanding the «personal value» of communicating the results: the perspective of the research participant

Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)



Role of PPI

Provide information

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

A co-researcher patient, a member of the «Citizen college of co-researchers in healthcare» (Collège citoyen de cochercheur·e·s en matière de santé)

During the course of the research project

Qualitative interviews with patients

After the completion of the research project

The results of the study will be presented to the patients taking part in the project

Status of PPI activities


Creation of a questionnaire on the perception of informal coercion


Brief description
This research aims to assess the "informal" coercion that can be experienced in connection with psychiatric care. Informal coercion is the term used to describe all the inducements, persuasions, pressures, and even threats, presented to individuals in order to encourage them to accept therapeutic measures. The aim is to validate a psychometric tool in a paper and pencil format, as well as an adapted computer-based version. The items for this tool have been developed in collaboration with psychiatric patients. A test phase is currently in progress.

Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Department of Psychiatry



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Discussion and drafting of the questionnaire items, discussion of the hypothesis and feasibility

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Support funders with the evaluation of concepts for patient and public involvement in specific projects

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

During the course of the research project

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Provide input on the evaluation of the study

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Throughout the entire research project

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Creation of a self-stigma questionnaire (Paradox of Self-Stigma scale PaSS-24)


Brief description
Exposure to public stigma can lead to the endorsement of negative stereotypes and associated self-stigma. This phenomenon has well-documented deleterious consequences for people living with mental illness. Paradoxically, it can also lead to reactions of righteous anger and pride. The "Paradox of Self-Stigma scale" is a self-assessment tool that can be used to measure self-stigma in psychiatric patients. It consists of 24 items divided into three subscores: Stereotype endorsement, righteous anger, non-disclosure. This tool has been developed by the Community Psychiatry Service in collaboration with psychiatric patients.

Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Department of Psychiatry



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Discussion and drafting of the questionnaire items
Discussion of the hypothesis and feasibility

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Support funders with the evaluation of concepts for patient and public involvement in specific projects

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

During the course of the research project

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Provide input on the evaluation of the study

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Throughout the entire research project

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


DayOne Health Hack


Brief description

The DayOne Health Hack is designed as a patient-centric innovation journey. It is te first of its kind in Switzerland, reaching out to patients who want to assume an active role in finding new, digital-driven-solutions. During the hackathon, mentors and coaches will be present to help the teams


Basel Area Business & Innovation




Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Take over or lead specific parts of an initiative or a project

co-organiser and member of Steering Board

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

During the course of the research project

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Throughout the entire research project

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Definition of upper airways exacerbations in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
Official title of the study
Upper respiratory exacerbations in patients with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD): an expert consensus definition (multi-national project)


Brief description

Selection of appropriate outcome measures for clinical studies and particularly trials is an important factor for successful research. Exacerbations from the nose, sinuses and ears have an important effect in the daily life of people with PCD and have been identified as a potential outcome measure for trials in this field. However, there is still no standardised definition. This project aims to develop a consensus definition for upper airways exacerbation in people with PCD from an experts panel in collaboration with PCD patients and parents of children with PCD.


The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)




Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

During the course of the research project

Participate in internal meetings as a member

This is an expert consensus group study and the involved patients are members of the expert group e.g. participate in the e-Delphi surveys

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Drawing up recommendations for communicating the results of genomic analyses to research participants



Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)



Role of PPI

Provide information

After the completion of the research project

To enable participants to give their opinion on various key points of the recommendations on communicating the results of genetic analysis conducted in connection with research projects.

Status of PPI activities


ECOS: Convergence space on knowledge about personalized health - A collaborative and participative research project


Brief description

The project addresses the visions of personalized health of three groups of stakeholders: researchers whose work opens up new prospects, primary care physicians who have to deal with the repercussions of this research on their daily practice, and members of the public as future «users»


SantéPerSo - Personalized Health & Society

University of Lausanne (UNIL)



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Take over or lead specific parts of an initiative or a project

Participation in an immersive laboratory workshop conducted in collaboration with L'éprouvette (public laboratory of the University of Lausanne)
The objective of the workshop is to enable members of the public participating in the project familiarize themselves with the basic concepts of genomics and discuss the ethical and social issies raised by research on genomics and personalized health.

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

During the course of the research project

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Provide input on the evaluation of the study

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Throughout the entire research project

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


FICUS Trial - Supporting families during critical illness: A nurse-led family support intervention in intensive care
Official title of the study
FICUS Trial: A multi-centre, cluster-randomized superiority trial of a guideline-based Family Support Intervention in Intensive Care Units


Brief description

Family members are important to the well-being and recovery of critically ill people yet are themselves profoundly affected by the critical illness. During a close other’s treatment in an intensive care unit (ICU), families experience high levels of stress and uncertainty, particularly in the event of surrogate decision-making and loss. About one third experience adverse mental health. The FICUS trial tests the effect of a nurse-led, interprofessional family support intervention in ICU on the quality of family care, family management, and individual mental health compared to usual care provided to family members


University of Zurich




Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Take over or lead specific parts of an initiative or a project

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

Coordinate between patient/public and researchers

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the information provided to study participants

Participate in internal meetings as a member

Advise on recruitment strategy
Support communication to the public

After the completion of the research project

Provide input on the evaluation of the study

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Giving patient representatives a seat on cantonal ethics committees


Brief description
This initiative incorporates the patient’s perspective into the review and approval processes for research projects involving humans (see the cantonal ethics committees’ main tasks)

Cantonal ethic committees








St. Gallen

Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Status of PPI activities


HEAR trial: Improving access to screening for hearing loss after childhood cancer – a novel community based approach


Brief description

In this trial, young adults are offered a free hearing test near where they live. The hearing tests are carried out at local business that provides hearing aids. Trial participants are given a printed result of their test, which can be discussed with their physician if necessary. Participants are also asked if a copy of their test results can be used for research in childhood cancer. An advisory group consisting of former childhood cancer patients, physicians, and hearing experts is actively involved in this project.


The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Support funders with the evaluation of concepts for patient and public involvement in specific projects

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the information provided to study participants

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Provide input on the evaluation of the study

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


ImmunAID (Immunome Project Consortium for Autoinflammatory Disorders)


Brief description

ImmunAID is a large 5-year duration research project that aims to optimize the diagnostic, classification, and clinical management of patients with autoinflammatory disorders.


FMF & AID Global Association

University of Geneva (UNIGE)

Horizon2020 - European Commission





Role of PPI

Provide information

Contribute at decision-making level

Dissemination of information to the patient community

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

During the course of the research project

Keep patients informed of the project's achievements, trying to get them involved in the study

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Throughout the entire research project

Support the communication of research results

help recruit suitable patients

Status of PPI activities


Website's URL
Involvement of persons with heart failure and their relatives in research on innovative nursing aftercare for persons suffering from heart failure


Brief description

Involvement of persons with heart failure and their relatives in the preparation of an application to be submitted to the SNSF.

Ongoing involvement if the application is funded. French- and German-speaking persons with heart failure and their relatives from the cantons of Fribourg, Basel, Bern.


HES-SO, Institute of Applied Health Research, School of Health Sciences Fribourg





Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

Throughout the entire research project

Support the communication of research results

The involvement in the preparation of the application has been completed. If the application is funded, the involvement will continue.

Status of PPI activities


Lausanne coproduction hub (Groupe lausannois de coproduction)


Brief description

The mission of the Lausanne coproduction hub is to strengthen research and implementation of patient centeredness and coproduction of healthcare services in primary care. It is part of the International Coproduction in Health Network (ICoHN). The Hub is run out of Unisanté, the Center for Primary Care and Public Health in Lausanne.

The Hub’s objectives are:

  1. To promote Unisanté’s role as an academic hub for creating knowledge and building capacity in coproduction in healthcare.
  2. To enhance multi-stakeholder collaborations in coproduction-focused research and implementation activities spanning multiple clinical areas and target populations.

Unisanté - Center for Primary Care and Public Health



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Establish the group’s aims, identity and activities.
Give advice to group members doing research or launching initiatives

Status of PPI activities


Official title of the study
MEDfLAG - MEDication Literacy Assessment in Geriatric patients


Brief description

Older people are faced with increasingly complex drug prescriptions, and the inappropriate use of medicines is common. Access to a standardised scale for assessing the skills in the self-management of medicines, i.e. medication literacy, is an essential step in enabling clinicians to propose customised actions. This project has initiated the development of a standardised scale for assessing medication literacy specifically in the elderly – the MEDication Literacy Assessment in Geriatric patients (MED-fLAG).


Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Sharing experience on questions specifically related to medication (key informant) Designing a new instrument in the form of a patient-reported outcome measure
Recruitment tool
Tool for interpreting the data (qualitative research)
Help disseminate the results as co-author

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the information provided to study participants

Leading a working sub-group on a specific subject: discussion of the relevance, comprehensibility and comprehensiveness of the MED-fLAG items, response modalities, instructions
Participation in conducting interviews
Participation in data analysis/interpretation (qualitative research)
Advice for reviewing MED-fLAG

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results


Throughout the entire research project

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Designing a new instrument in the form of a patient-reported outcome measure Supporting the research approaches
Enhance the credibility of the interpretations and the scientific approach

Status of PPI activities


Meaningful Patient and Public Involvement in HIV research: A mapping review
Official title of the study
Meaningful Patient and Public Involvement in HIV research: A mapping review


Brief description

To systematically search and summarize already existing empirical evidence on PPI guidance and case examples in HIV research, their level of involvement and reported impact.

Additional information/comment: Study protocol of the mapping review:

This mapping review is the first part of a larger PPI research project to establish meaningful PPI in HIV research specifically for the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (led by Dr Julia Notter, Kantonsspital St. Gallen).


University Hospital Basel, Division of Clinical Epidemiology

Swiss HIV Cohort Study



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Take over or lead specific parts of an initiative or a project

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Support funders with the evaluation of concepts for patient and public involvement in specific projects

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

During the course of the research project

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Provide input on the evaluation of the study

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

including co-authorship and reporting according to GRIPP2 checklist

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Website's URL
MultiSCRIPT - Treatment Optimisation in Multiple Sclerosis
Official title of the study
MultiSCRIPT trial – Personalised medicine MULTIple SCLerosis a pRagmatic Platform Trial embedded within the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Cohort (SMSC)


Brief description

Pragmatic multicentre 1:1 randomised-controlled parallel group, superiority, platform study embedded in the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Cohort (SMSC).

The MultiSCRIPT study investigates how intensive monitoring of biomarkers improves patient-relevant outcomes as well as the care of MS patients.


University Hospital Basel



Role of PPI

Review of the proposal and patient-facing material, part of the delphi process of the study, support of patients/patient organisations in the communication of study results.

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Review of the proposal and patient-facing material

During the course of the research project

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Throughout the entire research project

Support of patients/patient organisations in the communication of study results.

Status of PPI activities


Open research colloquium


Brief description
Research colloquium with the participation of the indviduals concerned, peer practitioners and representatives of patient associations

Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Department of Psychiatry



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Discussion and drafting of the questionnaire items
Discussion of the hypothesis and feasibility

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Support funders with the evaluation of concepts for patient and public involvement in specific projects

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

During the course of the research project

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Provide input on the evaluation of the study

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Throughout the entire research project

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Official title of the study
High Dose Steroids in Children With Stroke and Unilateral Focal Arteriopathy: A Multicentre Randomized Controlled Trial PASTA (Paediatric Arteriopathy Steroid Aspirin) Trial



Inselspital (Universitätsspital) Bern



Role of PPI

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

Survey and consultancy for document and procedure development, in particular with regard to informed consent

After the completion of the research project

Plan to engage participants in strategy and decision making for future projects (loop idea, using input from former study participants when moving forward)

Status of PPI activities


PPI Framework


Brief description

Advice and support for researchers in the active implementation of appropriate measures


University of Basel, Department of Clinical Research, Clinical Trial Unit



Role of PPI

Support of PPI for academic clinical research

Status of PPI activities


PPI Speed Dating event
Brief description

This PPI Speed Dating event, which will take place on 17 June 2024 at the Clinical Trial Center Zürich, University Hospital Zürich.

The Speed Dating event is an opportunity for patients and researchers to meet, ask questions, exchange ideas and be inspired. Researchers have the opportunity to present research ideas and get feedback (e.g. on relevance or feasibility) from (affected) patients.

As researchers from the following research areas will also be attending the event, the organisers are specifically looking for interested patients with a corresponding/similar condition.

  • Neurology: Stroke / Epilepsy
  • Psychiatry and psychotherapy: Depression and psychosis
  • Infectiology: Hospital-acquired infections
  • Chronic kidney disease

Of course, interested patients with any disease and their relatives are also welcome.

When: Monday, 17 June 2024
Where: Clinical Trials Center Zürich (USZ); Moussonstrasse 2, 8044 Zürich
Remuneration: CHF 60.00 and travelling expenses

The Speed Dating event will be held in German.




Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Status of PPI activities


PRESENT project
Official title of the study
Colorectal cancer screening decisions based on predicted risk: the PREcision ScreENing randomized controlled Trial (PRESENT)


Brief description

The PREcision ScreENing randomized controlled Trial, or PRESENT, will see if providing participants in colorectal cancer screening with their own risk score can improve the use of screening tests like colonoscopy and fecal immunochemical tests (FIT, which looks for blood in your stool invisible to the naked eye).


Unisanté - Center for Primary Care and Public Health



Role of PPI

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

We have a citizen advisory committee with 6 members that is accompanying the project. It meets monthly to give feedback on materials and advice on study procedures.

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

Test study materials and case report forms

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the information provided to study participants

Participate in internal meetings as a member

Give advice on the interpretation of study data (quantitative and qualitative)

After the completion of the research project

Provide input on the evaluation of the study

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Partenariat en recherche clinique - Group for the development and implementation of the clinical research partnership at HUG
Official title of the study
Partenariat en recherche clinique - PartnerREC



Brief description

This group, which is comprised of patients, doctors, nurses, specialists in partnerships, law and research, has met every month since 2019. Its objectives are to develop the thinking about the strategies for promoting the partnership between researchers, patients and the public in the HUG research projects, to advise research groups on these issues and bring patients and researchers together. One training focus involves the research partnership in progress. A web page describing the various types of partnership can be used for contact purposes.


Geneva University Hospitals (HUG)

University of Geneva (UNIGE)



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Advice to researchers, putting patients and researchers in contact with each other

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

On request: consultations with research teams to reflect together on the possibilities of partnerships in research, which includes the identification of a relevant research issue, an acceptable study design, comprehensible information, etc…

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the information provided to study participants

Participate in internal meetings as a member

Management (follow-up) of the patients-researchers collaboration in the research team
Support for the patients involved in a research team

After the completion of the research project

Provide input on the evaluation of the study

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Evaluation of the participation of the patients in the project

Throughout the entire research project

Management (follow-up) of the patients-researchers collaboration in the research team
Support for the patients involved in a research team

Status of PPI activities


Patient Advocacy


Brief description

Zoé4life is involved on a national and international level in patient advocacy for childhood cancer research






Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Take over or lead specific parts of an initiative or a project

Participate in a leadership role in international multi-stakeholder consortiums which seek to address overarching issues in paediatric cancer drug development as well as develop clinical trials for childhood cancer (ACCELERATE, ITCC, SIOPEN).
Represent paediatric cancer patients, parents and survivors on a European and International level as board member of Childhood Cancer International, speaking in EU Parliamentary Meetings as well as large medical Paediatric Oncology Conferences (SIOP and SIOPE scientific committee member).
Provide patient advocate view including identifying relevant research questions and unmet medical need.
Present patient advocate view in multistakeholder paediatric strategy forums where specific drug classes or disease types are discussed, and strategic planning of drug development is addressed.
Participate on Trial Steering Committees in:
- Preparing relevant information
- Consulted on specific questions and provide advice
- Involved when decisions are made
- Lead a working group on International Collaboration in Paediatric Cancer Drug Development (ACCELERATE working group)

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Support funders with the evaluation of concepts for patient and public involvement in specific projects

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the information provided to study participants

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Provide input on the evaluation of the study

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Participate as co-author in manuscript writing

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Website's URL
Patient Engagement in Research


Brief description
The decision to focus on patient engagement stems from an expressed focus area established by the Rising Tide Foundation for Clinical Cancer Research (RTFCCR) board of directors. In conducting this work, RTFCCR partnered with Patvocates, a patient advocacy and engagement network, to create a set of guiding documents and resources aimed at public and private health research funders within various national, international, and therapeutic settings. This effort included a landscape assessment, interviews with experts, and an iterative development process.

Rising Tide Foundation for Clinical Cancer Research




Role of PPI

Contribute at decision-making level

Take over or lead specific parts of an initiative or a project

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Support funders with the evaluation of concepts for patient and public involvement in specific projects

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

During the course of the research project

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Status of PPI activities


Patient Involvement in Dentistry
Official title of the study
PPI in Reconstructive Dentistry (Oral Rehabilitation)


Brief description

The paradigm shift in decision-making has enabled patients and clinicians to collaborate and arrive at a mutually agreeable course of action (shared-decision making). By involving patients in dentistry, we aim to define what really matters to patients, thereby assisting clinicians and patients in the decision making in day-to-day clinical practice.  

  • Consultation and support to researchers for integrating PPI into our research projects with a focus on reconstructive dentistry (Dental Implants, Crowns, Bridges, Dentures)
  • Establishment of a PPI Panel consisting of members of the public who can be consulted for research projects
  • Education in PPI for clinicians, researchers, members of the public, grant panels and committees

Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry / Center of Dental Medicine / University of Zurich



Role of PPI

Gather and provide information relevant to the public.
Address specific patient questions and provide general advice from patients' perspective.

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

During the course of the research project

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Provide input on the evaluation of the study

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Having patients/members of the public support the dissemination and publication of study results

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Website's URL
Patient Lab


Brief description

The Patient Lab innovates and promotes a transdisciplinary partnership with cancer patients, caregivers and public at all stages of research and development of new or improved models of support and care in Suisse romande.


IUFRS, FBM, UNIL, CHUV, Oncology Department CHUV

UNIGE, HUG, Oncology Department HUG




Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Take over or lead specific parts of an initiative or a project

Provide a specific PPI framework for research, adapted to the local context

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Support funders with the evaluation of concepts for patient and public involvement in specific projects

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

Provide training program for patients and researchers

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the information provided to study participants

Participate in internal meetings as a member

Provide coaching and mediation for both patient partners and researchers (participate in meetings upon demand)

After the completion of the research project

Provide input on the evaluation of the study

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Provide evaluation on how PPI was applied

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Support the project's patient partner(s) and researchers

Status of PPI activities


Patient Preferences Regarding Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments
Official title of the study
Patient Preferences Regarding Benefits and Harms of Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments in Switzerland



University of Zurich, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute (EBPI)



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Review the design of the preference study (study protocol)

During the course of the research project

Pilot testing of the questionnaire and survey platform

After the completion of the research project

Patients may be consulted to support the analysis/interpretation or communication of results. This is currently not yet determined.

Status of PPI activities


Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) as part of the Investigator Initiated Clinical Trials (IICT) programme's evaluation process


Brief description
Patient representatives are involved in the evaluation of submitted projects and assess the PPI aspects of proposed clinical trials. Applicants are required to actively involve PPI representatives in all phases of their trials, especially in the preparation of the grant application.

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)



Role of PPI

Contribute at decision-making level

Evaluate grant applications
Further develop the initaitive
Actively participate in evaluation meetings with the same voting rights as all other members of the evaluation panel

Throughout the entire research project

Participate in the evaluation process as a PPI expert
Provide researchers with feedback on the quality of PPI in their clinical trial proposals

Status of PPI activities


Patient and Public Involvement Campus Stiftung Lindenhof Bern


Brief description
Establish an expert group (consisting of patients) that can be involved in research activities

Campus SLB (Stiftung Lindenhof Bern)



Role of PPI

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Share experience
Evaluate study documents

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

Share experience
Evaluate the benefit that research projects and clinical studies have for patients
Review study documents (particularly patient information)
Assess the risks and effort involved for patients

During the course of the research project

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice
Contribute at a decision-making level
Share experience and evaluate study documents (particularly patient information)

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Share experience
Support the communication of results in lay language
Evaluate the benefit for patients after a project is completed

Throughout the entire research project

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice
Contribute at a decision-making level
Share experience
Evaluate study documents

Status of PPI activities


Website's URL
Patient involvement in clinical research
Official title of the study
Patient involvement in clinical cancer research (Il coinvolgimento del paziente nella ricerca clinica nei tumori)


Brief description

The primary objective of this initiative is to educate cancer patients, followed at IOSI, but not exclusively, to play an active role in research, similar to what is done by EUPATI in patients with different diseases, but not only in cancer. The pursuit of this objective takes place through successive operational phases, each with an objective.

  1. Presentation of the project, establishment of a coordination group and sensibilization of health care professionals to collaborate in identifying patients interested in the initiative.
  2. Preparation of training materials
  3. Identification with the help of health care professionals patients interested in the initiative and creation of a database.
  4. Training of IOSI patients who are willing to play a role in raising awareness with other patients and/or representatives within research-related boards. Creation of IOSI patient representatives who are empowered to respond to certain requests.
  5. Activation of patient Request to play an advocacy/active role towards other patients such as explanation/dissemination of research results to other patients and to the public, active role in patient informed consent development, in protocol schedules, ...

EOC - Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale

IOSI - Instituto Oncologico della Svizzera Italiana




Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Provide input on informed consent

During the course of the research project

Participation in the discussion of the development of the study
Participation to the discussion and evaluation of the study results

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Throughout the entire research project

Support the communication of research results

Status of PPI activities


Website's URL
Pilot Study for peer-led self-management program for Swiss breast cancer survivors



Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)

University of Lausanne (UNIL)



Role of PPI

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Take over or lead specific parts of an initiative or a project

Providing the patient perspective in evaluating clinical trials on human subjects, protocols, consent forms

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Proactive Involvement of Patients and Public in Clinical Research at the USZ
Official title of the study
Proactive Involvement of Patients and Public in Clinical Research at the USZ


Brief description

For a long time, there was a clear separation of roles in which researchers actes as experts and patients were merely regarded as participants in studies. Wth our project at the University Hospital Zurich (USZ), we want to promote the paradigm shift in which patients are increasingly recognized as experts.
Our goal is close, interdisciplinary cooperation with patients as well as various directorates and departments within the USZ in order to establish PPI sustainably at the USZ and to offer further training and consulting opportunities for researchers. 


Clinical Trials Center (University Hospital Zurich)



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Take over or lead specific parts of an initiative or a project

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Support funders with the evaluation of concepts for patient and public involvement in specific projects

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the information provided to study participants

Participate in internal meetings as a member

Development of new concepts to publicize PPI (homepage, videos, information material).
Development and implementation of training courses for patients and researchers.

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Program for meaningful Patient and Public Involvement in Clinical Research


Brief description

Implementing a comprehensive program to facilitate meaningful Patient and Public Involvement in Clinical Research for University of Bern and University Hospital:

  • Consultation and support to researchers for integrating PPI into their research projects.
  • Establishment of a PPI Panel consisting of patient representatives who can be consulted for research projects.
  • Provision of internal training programs and materials aimed at educating researchers and patient representatives to facilitate meaningful PPI and enabling patient representatives to effectively fulfil their role.
  • Education in PPI for participants, researchers, grant panels and committees, utilising publicly available materials and customising as required.

Department of Clinical Research (DCR), University of Bern



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Throughout the entire research project

The DCR PPI program provides personalized consultations, resources, and tools to help researchers integrate PPI into their research. This includes assisting in identifying opportunities and methods for patient involvement and formulating project-specific PPI plans.

The DCR establishes the "DCR Patient:innen Gremium," a panel of trained patient representatives available for consultation on a diverse range of clinical research matters. Researchers can consult the panel members and seek information, advice, and collaboration from the panel, benefiting from the patient and public perspective throughout the entire project lifecycle, including development, implementation, and dissemination. The panel members have received internal training in PPI.

The project delivers education and training on PPI to researchers, patients, and the public. It equips patients with knowledge of trials, ethics, and effective participation, while helping researchers engage with patients and utilize their insights effectively.

Status of PPI activities


Website's URL
Research priorities in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia - patient's persperctive
Official title of the study
Investigating the Perspective of Patients with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) on Health Services and Research Priorities


Brief description

Patients can provide important perspectives for health research that may differ from those of health care professionals. This is particulary important for a rare disease with many knowledge gaps like PCD. With this project, we aim to identify research priorities in PCD from the patient's perspective in a mixed-methods study, which includes semi-structured interviews and an online survey.


The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)




Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Support funders with the evaluation of concepts for patient and public involvement in specific projects

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the information provided to study participants

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


RheumaCura Foundation


Brief description
RheumaCura is a non-profit, tax-exempted Swiss foundation dedicated to improving the care of people affected by rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases through supporting scientific research. It is led by patients and citizens who believe that the knowledge and experiences of those affected should be considered in medical research, and that the involvement of patients and the public in the design and conduct of research will help to find better treatment and cures. We raise awareness and informs patients and the public about research, new treatments, and knowledge about how to best manage disease and will work cooperatively and transparently with others who share our vision.

RheumaCura Foundation




Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

During the course of the research project

Consult and cooperate with researchers
Inform the public

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Status of PPI activities


SAKK Patient Advisory Board


Brief description

The SAKK Patient Advisory Board offers advice on research projects, communications, and strategic matters


Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK)



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Help prepare medical information that is patient-friendly and easy to understand

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Support funders with the evaluation of concepts for patient and public involvement in specific projects

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the information provided to study participants

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Throughout the entire research project

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Official title of the study
Involving patients and clinicians in a pilot randomised clinical trial of spinal manual therapy versus nerve root injection for lumbar radiculopathy: the SALuBRITY randomised clinical trial patient and public involvement project


Brief description

A PPI project will be embedded within the SALuBRITY pilot trial, a two parallel group, double sham controlled, randomised clinical trial. The study aims to compare the effectiveness of spinal manual therapy and corticosteroid nerve root injections, two methods commonly used to treat patients with lumbar radiculopathy. We aim to gather patients’ and clinicians’ perspectives and involve them in decisions related to the research question and objectives, proposed trial recruitment processes and methods, and proposed outcome measures.


University of Zurich, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute (EBPI)

University Spine Center Zurich (UWZH), Balgrist University Hospital

Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care (IfIS), University of Zurich



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

Participate in a kick-off event for preparation and empowerment

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the recruitment process

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Throughout the entire research project

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


SCTO PPI Working Group


Brief description

The Swiss Clinical Trial Organisation (SCTO) PPI Working Group is composed of representatives from academia, clinical research, funding organisations, university hospitals, the CTU Network as well as patients and their organisations. Its primary purpose is to support the SCTO in their efforts related to patient and public involvement (PPI) activities and to lay the groundwork for the establishment of the Swiss PPI Forum for academic clinical research in Switzerland.

The key responsibilities of this multistakeholder working group include, but are not limited to, the following activities:

  • Facilitating the exchange of information and sharing valuable lessons learnt.
  • Disseminating regular updates from working group members and their networks to foster alignment in local and national PPI projects and initiatives.
  • Providing guidance and input on specific topics, projects, templates, and documents related to PPI.

Swiss Clinical Trial Organisation (SCTO)




Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Take over or lead specific parts of an initiative or a project

Status of PPI activities


SPHN & PHRT National Data Streams


Brief description
National Data Streams (NDS) are funded by the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) and Personalized Health and Related Technologies (PHRT; ETH Domain). NDS projects run from June 2022 for 3 years. NDS are multidisciplinary, national consortia of clinical and science partners. NDS encompass clinical and analytical (e.g., multiomics) data, conduct and host research projects, and should serve the research and healthcare community long-term. Involving patients and/or the public is a mandatory requirement for NDS.

Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN)

ETH Personalized Health and Related Technologies (PHRT)





Role of PPI

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Support funders with the evaluation of concepts for patient and public involvement in specific projects

PPI experts are part of the expert panel evaluating NDS project proposals.
Involving patients and/or the public and elaborating a PPI concept is a mandatory requirement for NDS proposals.

Throughout the entire research project

Proactive involvement of patients and/or the public, e.g. including:
• Advise as a member of an advisory board/committee/panel
• PPI experts involved in the monitoring procedure of NDS projects
• Various roles in the funded NDS projects

Status of PPI activities


SPHN (Swiss Personalized Health Network) ELSI (Ethical, Legal and Social Issues) Advisory Group (ELSlag)


Brief description
The ELSlag is an advisory body to the entire SPHN. It is tasked to address key ethical, legal and societal challenges that are relevant to SPHN's activities. At the same time, the ELSlag aims to sensitize all stakeholders about the latest developments, regulations and frameworks in order to deal with research data in a unified and ethically legal manner

Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN)




Role of PPI

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Throughout the entire research project

A patient representative is a full member of the ELSIag, elaborating policies and guidelines for the SPHN initiative.
A patient representative is a full member of the SPHN National Steering Board deciding on the strategy of the overall SPHN initiative and the funding of specific projects.

Status of PPI activities




Brief description
Meeting for Minds is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to research of the brain and disorders of the brain in partnership with people living with mental illness. Meeting for Minds = SYNERGIES is not a scientific project per se but is designed to enhance the research process by introducing a “Co-operative Inquiry” programme involving people with lived experience of mental illness into specific brain research projects as partners and not subjects for research.

Meeting for Minds





Role of PPI

Provide information

Before the actual beginning of the research project

The interactions are “open” and the content defined by the participants and their willingness and capacity to explore combinations of all possible scenarios

During the course of the research project

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Provide input on the evaluation of the study

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Set-up and roll-out of patient participation in SCQM research


Brief description
In 2021 SCQM elected two patient representatives into the Board of Trustees. The SCQM managing director is also has patient expertise and is enrolled in the SCQM database. SCQM has been collecting annual PROMS Patient-reported outcome measures) data for over 20 years, and since 2016 it collects monthly PROMS data from patients using the App MySCQM. First initiatives to involve patients directly in research have started and the intention is to develop these in the next years and become a leading expert in patient involvement.

Swiss Clinical Quality Management in Rheumatic Diseases (SCQM) Foundation




Role of PPI

Board members with specific responsibility to bring in the patient voice to SCQM

Status of PPI activities


Website's URL
Swiss Cerebral Palsy Registry (Swiss-CP-Reg)
Official title of the study
Swiss Cerebral Palsy Registry (Swiss-CP-Reg)


Brief description

Swiss-CP-Reg collects and exchanges national data on people living with CP to answer clinically and socially relevant questions. Its structure enables retrospective and prospective data collection and knowledge exchange between experts to optimise and standardise treatment and to improve the health and quality of life of those diagnosed with CP in Switzerland.


The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)




Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Take over or lead specific parts of an initiative or a project

The involvement can vary between subprojects.

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

Support development of questionnaires and interviews for research projects
The involvement can vary between subprojects.

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the information provided to study participants

Participate in internal meetings as a member

The involvement can vary between subprojects.

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

The involvement can vary between subprojects.

Throughout the entire research project

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

The involvement can vary between subprojects.

Status of PPI activities


Swiss Pediatric Inflammatory Brain Disease Registry (Swiss-Ped-IBrainD)
Official title of the study
Swiss Pediatric Inflammatory Brain Disease Cohort Study


Brief description
The Swiss Pediatric Inflammatory Brain Disease Cohort Study has a registry at its core. In the registry we systematically collect medical data on pediatric patients with inflammatory brain diseases (IBrainDs). Our focus is on collecting extensive information on the diagnosis, disease course, and treatment of the included diseases. However, the registry is not just a simple data collection, it is a dynamic structure that promotes the communication and collaboration of the participating centers and specialists. We aim to improve the medical care and quality of life of children with IBrainDs.

The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)




Role of PPI

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

During the course of the research project

Planned to involve patients in the development of a questionnaire for a nested survey study

Status of PPI activities


Swiss Rare Disease Registry
Official title of the study
Schweizer Register für seltene Krankheiten (SRSK)


Brief description
The Swiss Rare Disease Registry (SRDR) is a national registry for rare diseases. The SRDR collects data on people with a rare disease who live and/or receive treatment in Switzerland. Their personal information as well as information about their disease, examinations they have undergone, and the institutions where they have been treated are collected in the SRDR. The objective of the SRDR is to inform people with a rare disease about planned studies and surveys and to invite them to participate. Another important objective is to establish contact between people with a rare disease.

The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)




Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Take over or lead specific parts of an initiative or a project

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Support funders with the evaluation of concepts for patient and public involvement in specific projects

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the information provided to study participants

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Provide input on the evaluation of the study

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Website's URL
Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (STCS) Patient Advisory Board


Brief description

Patient advisory board to better integrate the patient's perspective and to incorporate the needs of transplanted persons into research projects (studies)


University Hospital Basel



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Identify relevant research questions or unmet medical needs

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the information provided to study participants

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Throughout the entire research project

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Swissmedic’s working group with patient and consumer organisations


Brief description

This working group aims to provide patient and consumer organisations in Switzerland with a platform where they can exchange information and experiences.

The following objectives are at the forefront of this initiative:

  • Listen to and note patients’ and consumers’ experiences regarding issues related to medicinal products and medical devices so that they may be included in Swissmedic’s processes where appropriate.
  • Provide information in a form suitable for the target audience in order to improve patients’ and consumers’ understanding of Swissmedic’s tasks and responsibilities.




Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Involve patient and consumer representatives in defined areas of Swissmedic’s activities

Status of PPI activities


The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Official title of the study
The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (SCCSS)


Brief description

The SCCSS is a population-based, long-term follow-up study including all children diagnosed with cancer before age 20 years, registered in the Childhood Cancer Registry Switzerland (ChCR; available from:, who survived at least 5 years after initial cancer diagnosis. This study is registered at as NCT03297034. We trace all addresses of potential participants and send them a questionnaire. The main domains covered by the questionnaire are quality of life, physical health, treatments and healthcare, psychological distress, behaviours and lifestyle, and socio-economic aspects of life. Detailed information of the study design is published: Kuehni et al. Int J Epidemiol 2012;41(6):1553–64.


University of Bern




Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

information on health outcomes, behaviours, and needs
Consulted on questionnaire design

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Personal interviews with survivors, caregivers, and representatives of patient and family support groups to ensure questionnaires and information letters are understandable and include all relevant information
Discussion about important topics for inclusion into the questionnaire
Interaction with support groups to invite participants
Design of a website that describes the study for participants and the public

During the course of the research project

Phone contacts in case of questions or comments to the study

After the completion of the research project

Support the publication of the research results

Feedback from participants on the questionnaire, study set-up, and results
Dissemination of lay-language summaries of the published results on 1) our website, 2) to funding bodies, and 3) to patient support groups

Throughout the entire research project

Support the communication of research results

Status of PPI activities


Timing of Revascularization in Patients With Diabetic Foot Ulcer and Non-critical Peripheral Artery Disease (DIFU)
Official title of the study
Timing of revascularization in patients with diabetic foot ulcer and non-critical peripheral artery disease: a randomized, controlled trial


Brief description
Due to lower extremity arterial disease, diabetic patients with foot ulcers often require lower limb amputation. Restoring arterial supply to the ulcer is the most important factor in healing the diabetic foot ulcer and reduces the risk of amputation. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that in patients with non-critical lower extremity arterial disease and diabetic foot ulcers, immediate revascularization on top of standard wound care results in fewer cardiovascular problems and amputations, as well as improved ulcer healing, compared to the current standard of care.

Inselspital (Universitätsspital) Bern



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Provide information about patient facing documentation (flyers, questionnaire, etc.) Feedback on recruitment flow
Support with ideas its improvement

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

Review the patient questionnaire on weighting of clinical outcome

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the information provided to study participants

Questionnaire development
Provide feedback on the operations/logistics of the clinical study (e.g. recruitment improvement)

After the completion of the research project

not yet decided

Throughout the entire research project

Support the research project's leaders

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities


Together for research that moves us forward


Brief description

In this free course, researchers and patients learn together what PPI is and how suitable measures can be practically implemented in clinical research. There is also the opportunity to network directly for future research projects. The course is held in German.

The course consists of:

  • Part 1: Online course (approx. 1-4 hours depending on prior knowledge in self-study)  
  • Part 2: Workshop on 8 April 2025 (University Hospital Basel)

Please register using the registration form.


University Hospital Basel



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Status of PPI activities


Training in research partnerships


Brief description

In October 2023, researchers and patients met in Geneva for the very first training course in French-speaking Switzerland dedicated to patient partnerships in clinical research. The course is the result of a fruitful collaboration between the PartnerRec Network and the Patients Partenaires +3P Programme at the HUG and Le Laboratoire des Patient-e-s de l'UNIL-CHUV/SCCL.

Based on the belief that partnership in healthcare should be experienced at the training stage, this course is aimed at researchers and patients alike.

Two sessions are offered each year, in spring and autumn, alternating between Geneva and Lausanne.

Information on registration can be found here. (in French)


Geneva University Hospitals (HUG)



Role of PPI

Provide information

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Status of PPI activities


Treatment of lymphedema after breast cancer therapy
Official title of the study
Surgical versus Conservative Complex Physical Decongestion Therapy (CDT) for Chronic Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema (BCRL): A Pragmatic, Randomised, Multicentre Superiority Trial


Brief description

Prospective randomised-controlled intervention study.
The study evaluates whether surgical treatment of chronic breast cancer-related lymphedema is superior to conservative Complex Physical Decongestive Therapy alone.


University Hospital Basel



Role of PPI

Respond to specific questions and provide general advice

Contribute at decision-making level

Concerns, opinions, and wishes in the form of interviews.

Before the actual beginning of the research project

Provide input on a clinical study's design (study protocol)

Give advice on the information to be provided to study participants

Concerns, opinions, and wishes in the form of interviews.

During the course of the research project

Give advice on the information provided to study participants

Participate in internal meetings as a member

After the completion of the research project

Support the communication of research results to study participants and the general public

Support the publication of the research results

Throughout the entire research project

Support the communication of research results

Give advice as a member of an advisory board, committee or panel

Status of PPI activities
