Forum "Clinical Research"
Transparency and Quality in Clinical Research
Over 60 experts attended the third Forum “Clinical Research”, organised by the Swiss Clinical Trial Organisation (SCTO) on 30 January 2013 in Bern.
During the first part of the event, exponents of academic research, pharmaceutical industry as well as exponents of authorities shared their views on “Transparency and Quality in Clinical Research – Positions and Prospect”. Worldwide, more transparency in clinical research is requested from various sides – what exactly does this demand include and how does the increased transparency actually affect the parties involved? Various stakeholders presented their views and the discussion highlighted further aspects which alltogether created an overall picture of a positive but also complex change.
In the second part of the forum, various institutions reported on their activities in the past year and introduced their concerns and goals for the new year. The majority of the presentations indentified the implementation of the new law on research involving humans (HFG) to be a high priority for the year 2013.