Aiming to simplify your clinical trials?
We streamline processes.

Associate member

The SCTO is an independent organisation and is based on a joint initiative of the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences.

As of 2017, the SCTO is a research infrastructure of national importance funded by the State Secretariat of Education, Research and Innovation and the Swiss National Science Foundation.

SCTO Platforms

Innovative solutions for clinical research professionals

Our platforms create a nationwide network of experts. Platform members develop tools and provide practical solutions for daily work in academic clinical research. They also serve as a first point of contact for other clinical research professionals and for authorities. Our SCTO Platforms focus on the following key areas of clinical research:

data management
project management
regulatory affairs
statistics and methodology.

Currently, our platforms’ strategic priority is to develop tools and resources for clinical research governed by Switzerland’s Human Research Ordinance (HRO), which includes observational studies and research on existing data and samples.

The SCTO Platforms have their own website: Tools & Resources

Our platforms’ Tools & Resources website is continually updated and expanded with additional tools, so it’s worth visiting regularly! Visit

Who is behind the platforms?

Each Clinical Trial Unit (CTU) of our CTU Network coordinates a platform, and each platform includes staff from all CTUs. In addition, the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK) is actively involved in the platforms. Our scientific coordinators ensure efficient collaboration between individual platforms and liaise between the platforms and our Executive Office.

To find out more about our platforms, please consult the fact sheet below.